Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Potato plant with Labels

This is a picture I made with Carol in a workshop. Because we are currently learning about potatoes, it is a diagram of a potato.

The first thing I did to make the photo was to draw the outline. After that i coloured it in, and then I had to write the labels and draw the line. Then I had to save it, and export it to my Google Drive. After that I added the photo to this blog post and wrote these words.

When you make a diagram it is important to know the important things about what you're making a diagram of. The labels have to be short but descriptive, and label everything clearly. You have to make sure all the fonts and writing are the same and easy to read.

Did you know that Sweet Potatoes aren't actual Potatoes?

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Flight Facts

I have been reading Horrible Science. here are some facts about Flight.

  • The reason you can 'break the sound barrier' is because when the plane goes too fast for the air to get out of the way, making a 'wall'. When you break the sound barrier you are breaking this wall of air.
  • The way jet engines work is that they suck in air, and spit it out the other end.
  • As children the Wright Brothers' father had bought them a helicopter toy that was powered by a rubber band When it broke their father bought a second one, which their teacher confiscated. Think about it, teachers held back the creation of the plane!

Friday, 6 May 2016

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Science Experiment - Leaching

 Yesterday we did an experiment about leaching

Here are some photos

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